martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Geometry and its figures.

Throughout the time, simple figures had been used in art: the circle, the line, the triangle, the square and the spiral. Angeles Arrien, a cultural anthropologist, investigated and documentes some common characteristics in the cultural artistic shapes during some decades and she found the same figures in every type of art. She called these figures "Las cinco figuras universales".

Any fundamental form changes in its basic function, each one of them achieve an aim. A circle round freely, the lines travel around and cross with themselves, a triangle is secure while point to the sides, a square is a n immediately stable figure with four sides and a spiral roll up with herself with elegance. Because they are simple, they have the ability to rise constantly and to be used as construction elements of the nature and the human being world.

The circle is well-known as the mother of all figures because is the form from which all geometric shapes are drawn. 

The circle must be cloned to create the next figure. If you create a circle right next to the first one, with the same diameter you will have a duplicated circle. That represent an opportunity of connecting the two central points creating a line. The line can be moved only one direction. There can be also the possibility of doing a second line connecting the two superimposed circles, creating four right angles of 90º.

The triangle is really sure when is located on its base or when it is combined with upside down versions of itself, so that it is usually confused with a structural support of the construction of buildings and as a design of dimensional border.

The square and rectangles are probably the less interesting of the figures but they still being useful.
Resultado de imagen de cuadrado a partir de una circunferencia
The spiral is a visual representation of the cyclic time in the space that is repeated constantly, but with a new cicle on each rotation. 

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