martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Geometrical Mosaics

Mosaics are the covering of the plane with figures, on a way that are no overlapping and that don't leave black spaces between them. The pieces that are used are called "teselas". 

There are a lot of forms of getting a mosaic. The most simple are formed by regular polygons of the same type (for example squares, regular hexagons or equilateral triangles), but also can be combined with other kind of polygons.

  • Regular Mosaic: There is a regular mosaic when it is only used a regular polygon.
Resultado de imagen de mosaicos regulares  

  • Uniform mosaic: In all the vertex concur the same regular polygons, and in the same order. 
  • Non uniform mosaic: They are composed by regular polygons too but can't be repeated on the plane.

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